Friday, July 30, 2004

My lack of talent


I was born without any talent. It's sad but true.

The thought just sap's my confidence and whittles away at my independents to conquer life’s big mysteries to this day.

How could I be missing something so fundamental and vital to my personality that would lead me to a path of isolation from the exquisite pleasure of self-pride and gnaw away on my dignity of perception? I'm naked in talent!

It’s not my mother’s fault (I don’t think) and it's not an environmental issue of playful toys in the infancy of my life. I had the mobiles with funny looking wooden ducks and clanging wooden sticks of many colors ornamenting and hanging over my fragile head just as every other child did in the 1950's.

I am sure I had thoughts when I first opened my eyes and saw all those contraptions and my mother in a funny looking apron and a world war 11 hairstyle of tightly knit curls. Maybe she wasn’t the prettiest lady in the world to me in my infancy and it scared the daylights out of me but today I realize her beauty is magnified by her devotion to her children during her brief life.

Could it have been her voice or the strange words that she spoke that started my language ability of expression or caused me to gripe too much today?

Who knows?

Where did I take wrong turn at the spinning and turning of my primal life and how come I didn’t laugh at those ridiculous faces of female and male “friends” of the family that came to see me.

It could have been the ladies friends of my mother benting down to smile and look at me and make disgusting baby sounds and I saw too much tit and became confused. Probably affected my eating habits and ability to know what was good and healthy for me. As a result I ate poorly as a child and that had effects on me to this day.

Maybe it was the scent of the perfume that intoxicated me. I don’t know? It could have been leaving me in a quiet room in a crib that was wooden that caused my primal thoughts to be detained in development and caused of “lack of talent” that I forever am searching.

Something was the defining factor in the start of my life that was never reasoned between the right lobes and left lobes on my cholesterol driven brain.

Too much Red and Blue primary colors on the crib. They didn’t have much in the soft pastel colors in those days. That’s what did it, I bet!

Wednesday, July 28, 2004

My favorite cartoon Posted by Hello
Toby is a male "Baby-faced" Persian Feline that I call "Toby".Posted by Hello