Wednesday, August 04, 2004

Kenneth and Colleen's engagement

This is my younger brother Ken (below).

Ken ask this lady, Colleen, in Ireland ( just last week ) who he knew since they were 16 years old and dated in high school to marry him.

 Ken discovered Colleen's name on and wanted to reacquaint himself with the girl of his younger high school days. "The bell bottom beauty" of social studies 101.   The first of those personal relationships in life.  The puppy love of those bygone days .

Ken "E Mailed" Colleen in the modern way of doing things by the hunt and peck method of stroking the keyboard of his computer.  The E mail arrived on Christmas eve in the Pan Handle of North Florida.  Colleen was probably shocked or thought it was spam and didn't realize it was Santa's way of delivering the presents in this age of electronic messages.

(It was a happening that would change the remaining days and style of her life.

The timing was a blessing and Ken packed his bag and caught the next plane to meet this gal he lost contact with over thirty four years ago.)

From what I understand, and the pictures I saw.

It didn't take long for the reminisces of yesterday stories to cause the high school giggles and those forgotten memories to return. I bet they even smirked of the incidence of getting caught "naked, necking in the middle of no man's land" and as the story goes, the police had to notify my mother, a prim and proper lady from the upbringing of the nineteen twenties to have words with my brother and his girlfriend. 
to continue,

As the story turns the page:  Colleen ventured to central Florida.  I bet she cooked one bowl of that Italian Spaghetti with the properties of an aphrodisiac (high starch content turns to sugar) and poured him some Italian wine (by candle light) till my brother Ken was mesmerized.

She knew what she was doing!

Ken was a TV dinner man by 100 watt light bulb with the company of his best friend, Lenin, a white feline Persian cat.  

In my opinion, if you put a woman in some unknown kind of dress, sporting a bottle of Italian wine and sugaring the boy up with starches you know your gonna rekindled feelings.

Last month, I am proud to announce that my brother Ken with the intent of a marriage proposal and Colleen flew to our family birth place in Ireland.

More to the story:
In their travels of the Irish country side, Ken and Colleen had a head on collision because my brother drove on the wrong side of the Irish road (they survived with no injuries).

My brother continued the journey with a new car and learned a lesson of the European roads.

When Ken reached a mountain with a coastal view. Ken stopped the car and then like mountain goats (one chasing the other they climbed to the top of the mountain) where Ken got on his knee and proposed.

He gave Colleen a ring that was magnificent and sparkled in the Irish sunlight.
Colleen excepted his words of love and they are now planning a wedding for November 27th at their home in Port St. Lucie, Florida.

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